The Community Reintegration Court has been developed as a mandatory court-assisted program that aims to promote your individual success in the community, at work, and at home, by connecting you with individualized, needs-specific reentry services. It is a service-intensive program, in that we have partnered with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Federal Defender’s Office, local law enforcement, area service providers, as well as many other community agencies, in order to best assist you in meeting your specific reentry needs. All of the partners in the Community Reintegration Court are specifically geared toward helping you succeed and it is our hope that you find participating in the program to be a positive, integral part of your transition back into the community.
Potential participants for this program are selected during the pre-release stage of their sentence and invited to attend an orientation session. If you are near release, and are interested in participating, please contact your probation officer.